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Trump Reelected: What It Means for Your Wallet
By Jason LaBarge, Financial Advisor and President of LaBarge Financial With a decisive electoral victory, Donald Trump will return to the White House in January, bolstered by Republican control of both houses of Congress. This election will have an impact on our finances and, as with most things in life, there are pros and cons….
Retirement Risk Factor: Healthcare
By Jason LaBarge, Financial Advisor and President of LaBarge Financial You might have noticed that the advertisement I usually run in this paper is different this month. I donated the space to raise awareness of an issue that’s particularly important to me: life-changing medical events. This ad highlights breast cancer, which is the most diagnosed…
Alternative Investments: Collectibles
By Jason LaBarge, Financial Advisor and President of LaBarge Financial My wife recently inherited something special: a 1964 1/2 Mustang convertible. First year mustangs are referred as “1/2” because they were produced in the early part of 1964 and before the 65 models were in production. Originally sold for just under $3,000, some examples today…
Maintaining Financial Stability Amid Uncertainty
By Jason LaBarge, Financial Advisor and President of LaBarge Financial Between an assassination attempt on a former president, the current president announcing he won’t pursue a second term and stock market volatility, there’s a high level of economic uncertainty in the air. A recent survey revealed that over 40% of Americans are experiencing feelings of…
Estate Planning: Protecting Your Family from the Unthinkable
By Jason LaBarge, Financial Advisor and President of LaBarge Financial My father passed away in November of last year. It was a devastating moment to lose someone my family and I admire so much. Fortunately, my father had things in place, making the process easier. That is not the case with everyone. Only 32% of…
Beyond the Money: How to Achieve Your Ideal Retirement Lifestyle
By Jason LaBarge, Financial Advisor and President of LaBarge Financial When it comes to retirement, many worry about money. “How much money will I need? How will I even save that much? What if I run out of money?” are questions I hear all the time. Money can easily dominate the conversation. While creating a…
To Roth or Not to Roth, That is The Question
By Jason LaBarge, Financial Advisor and President of LaBarge Financial The average American worker feels they need almost $1.5 million to retire comfortably, and at least one study says here in Maryland you need a minimum of $1,120,208. “How do I even save that much money?” is a common question I hear. Saving in IRA’s…
Helpful Ways to Choose the Right Financial Advisor
By Jason LaBarge, Financial Advisor and President of LaBarge Financial The relationship between many people and their finances is troubling: More than half of Americans say they feel way behind where they should be with their emergency savings, almost 80% have admitted to feeling anxious about their financial situation and thanks to the worsening retirement…
Avoid Election Hype to Help Protect Your Finances
By Jason LaBarge, Financial Advisor and President of LaBarge Financial The stage is set for another Biden-Trump showdown in the 2024 U.S. presidential election. While there might be mixed reactions about the rematch itself, there is some concern among investors about what will happen with the stock market. Over half of surveyed investors say they’re…
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